• 7526 Syracuse Avenue, Stanton, CA 90680
  • (714) 206-4036 / (562) 822-9100
  • contact.vpdca@gmail.com


Vietnamese Parents With Disabled Children Association Inc.
Hội Phụ Huynh Việt Nam Có Con Em Khuyết Tật
Welcome - Chào Mừng Quý Vị

  • 7526 Syracuse Avenue, Stanton, CA 90680
  • (714) 206-4036 / (562) 822-9100
  • contact.vpdca@yahoo.com

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Lớp Vẽ 4/2022 -- Art Class 4/2022

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Trainings-Huấn Luyện
1-A User Training-How To-Hướng Dẫn Phụ Huynh Dùng Công Nghệ Và Mạng Xã Hội
      Cách Tạo Tài Khoản Gmail
      How to Create and Send New Email Gmail CÁCH SOẠN VÀ GỬI EMAIL GMAIL
      How to Create A Gmail Account
      How to Delete One Email From a Thread Gmail Cách Xóa Bỏ Một Điện Thư từ Một Chủ Đề Gmail
      How To Open and Read Email Gmail CÁCH MỞ VÀ ĐỌC EMAIL GMAIL
      How to Reply To and Forward Email in Gmail Cách Trả Lời Lại và Chuyển Tiếp Điện Thư trong Gmail
      Sign In and Sign Out to Your Gmail Account
      How to Create a Facebook Account
      How to Set Up Your Facebook Profile
      How to Use Facebook
      How To Use Google To Search for Information
      How to Block a YouTube Channel
      How to Change your YouTube Channel Name
      How to Change your YouTube Language or Content Location
      How to Create a New Youtube Channel
      How to Create a YouTube Account
      How to Delete your YouTube Channel
      How to Disable YouTube AutoPlay
      How to Enable YouTube Captions by Default
      How to Login to YouTube Account
      How to Upload Videos Longer Than 15 Minutes on YouTube
      How to Upload Videos to YouTube
      YouTube Channel Frequently Asked Questions
      How to Join Zoom
      How to Join Zoom Vietnamese
      How to Use Chat in a Zoom Meeting on Desktop
      How to Use Chat in a Zoom Meeting on Mobile
      How to Use Chat in a Zoom Meeting on Web Client
      How to use interpretation in ZOOM
      How to use interpretation in ZOOM Vietnamese
      How to use Zoom Buttons in Zoom Meeting Cách sử dụng các chức năng của phòng họp trên Zoom Meeting
      Hướng dẫn cách sử dụng tính năng Chat trên Zoom
2-Aging Caregiver Planning-Lập Kế Hoạch Cho Người Cao Tuổi Làm Việc Chăm Sóc
      Planning for the Future Vietnamese
      Planning for the Future resources
      Planning for the Future
3-Self Determination Tự Quyết Định
01 29 2021
      Self Determination 01 29 2021
05 08 2021
      2021 5 05 Self Determination Overview Trg
      2021 5 05 Self Determination Overview Trg Vietnamese
      F2 serviceDefinitions
      SDP Online Orientation Flyer 04192021
      SDP Service Codes by Budget Category
      SDP Service Codes 02142019 Vietnamese
      SDP Service Definitions Vietnamese
      Self Determination 05 08 2021
05 22 2021
      Lisa sharing personal Self Determination Program VN
      Self Determination VPDCA Parent Shares Experience 05 22 2021
4-More Trainings-Thêm Những Huấn Luyện
Alternatives to Conservatorship 07222023
      Alternative to Conservatorship (ENG) 7.22.2023
      GMT20230722 170317 Recording.cc
      GMT20230722 170317 Recording
      GMT20230722 170317 Recording.transcript
      GMT20230722 170317 Recording
      GMT20230722 170317 Recording 1920x1080
      GMT20230722 170317 Recording as 1920x1080
      GMT20230722 170317 Recording avo 640x360
      GMT20230722 170317 Recording gallery 1920x1080
      GMT20230722 170317 Recording gvo 1280x720
      GMT20230722 170317 Recording interpret separate2
      Materials for Alternative To Conservatorship 07222023 Lựa Chọn Thay Thế Cho Trách Nhiệm Bảo Hộ
      Wills, Estates, Trusts, Guardianship List 2018
Alternatives to Conservatorship-Lư.a chọn thay thế cho trách nhiệm bảo hộ
      Alternatives to Conservatorship Lư.a chọn thay thế cho trách nhiệm bảo hộ
Assistive Technology-Công Nghệ Hỗ Trợ
      Assistive Technology Helpful Resources and Links
      Assistive Technology PPT (ENG) 2021
      Assistive Technology PPT (VT) 2021
CALAble – Chương Trình CalAble
      CALAble Chương Trình CalAble
CalAble 04082023 Hội Thảo về CalAble
      CalAble (ENG) 4.8.2023
      DRC CalAble (Vietnamese) 4.8.2023 Updated LN 4.7.23
      GMT20230408 170715 Recording 2256x1504
      GMT20230408 170715 Recording as 2256x1504
      GMT20230408 170715 Recording avo 640x360
      GMT20230408 170715 Recording gvo 1280x720
      GMT20230408 170715 Recording interpret separate1
      Recorded Zoom for CalAble Zoom Thâu Hình cho Hội Thảo về CalAble
Cash Assistance Program for Immigrants(CAPI) - Chương trình trợ giúp tiền mặt cho người di dân
      CAPI (ENG) 11.13.2021
      CAPI (VT) 11.13.2021
      Links to training materials of CAPI
Department of Rehabilitation (DOR) Services
      Department of Rehabilitation DOR Services
DOR Các dịch vụ của Department of Rehabilitation (DOR)
      DOR General Presentation
      DOR Student Services Flyer 6 11 21
      DR200 Fact Sheet DOR Student Services
      GMT20230304 180622 Recording
      GMT20230304 180622 Recording 1920x900
      GMT20230304 180622 Recording as 1600x900
      GMT20230304 180622 Recording avo 640x360
      GMT20230304 180622 Recording gvo 1280x720
      Recorded Zoom for DOR Services
IHSS Hearing-Điều Trần IHSS
      Administrative Law Judge Manual
      IHSS Hearing Materials and Links
      VPDCA Sept Feb 2022 (ENG.VT) (1)
      What Happens After the NOA 9.25.2020 (VT) final
      What Happens After the NOA(ENG) 9.25.2020
IHSS How to Calculate Hours-Cách tính giờ cho IHSS
      How to Calculate IHSS hours packet FINAL (ENG)5.11.21
      How to Calculate IHSS hours packet FINAL (VT)9.8.21
      IHSS How to Calculate Hours Materials and Links
IHSS In Home Support Services Chương Trình Trợ Giúp Tại Gia
      5493.01IHSS Protective Supervision
      549305 1IHSS Protective Supervision
      549305 1IHSS Protective Supervision 1
      560701IHSS Provider Wait Travel Times
      560701IHSS Provider Wait Travel Times 1
      560705IHSS Provider Wait Travel Times
      561105Understanding How IHSS is calculated
      IHSS English Final (1)
      IHSS In Home Support Services Chương Trình Trợ Giúp Tại Gia
IPP Process (Quy Trình IPP)
      2.6.21 IPP Process zoom recording
      IPP Process
Medi-Cal 06102023
      GMT20230610 170617 Recording.cc
      GMT20230610 170617 Recording
      GMT20230610 170617 Recording.transcript
      GMT20230610 170617 Recording
      GMT20230610 170617 Recording 2256x1504
      GMT20230610 170617 Recording as 2256x1504
      GMT20230610 170617 Recording avo 640x360
      GMT20230610 170617 Recording gallery 2256x1504
      GMT20230610 170617 Recording gvo 1280x720
      GMT20230610 170617 Recording interpret separate2
      Materials for Medi Cal Tài Liệu cho Buổi Hội Thảo Về Medi Cal
Medi-Cal Basics-Medi-Cal Cơ Bản
      Coronavirus Accessing Medi Cal Services During the COVID 19 Public Emergency Disability Rights California
      Medi cal Basic (VT) 12.11.21
      Medi Cal Basics (ENG) 12.11.21
      Medi Cal Basics Materials and Links
Medi-Cal Managed Care Grievances And Appeals
      GMT20230812 170320 Recording
      GMT20230812 170320 Recording.transcript
      GMT20230812 170320 Recording
      GMT20230812 170320 Recording 1920x1080
      GMT20230812 170320 Recording as 1920x1080
      GMT20230812 170320 Recording avo 640x360
      GMT20230812 170320 Recording gallery 1920x1080
      GMT20230812 170320 Recording gvo 1280x720
      GMT20230812 170320 Recording interpret separate2
      Materials for Medi Cal Managed Care Grievances and Appeals Chăm Sóc Được Quản Lý Khiếu Nại và Tài Nguyên
Medi-Cal Waiver-Miễn Trừ Của Medi-Cal
      Medi Cal Waiver (ENG) 1.15.22
      Medi Cal Waiver (VT) 1.15.22
Negotiation and Self-assertiveness - Đàm phán và tự quyết đoán
      Marc Purchin revised April 2021 VPDCAPP
      Marc Purchin revised April 2021 VPDCAPP Vietnamese
      Marc Purchin training updated April 2021 meetingprep
      Negotiation and Self assertiveness Đàm phán và tự quyết đoán
      Positions and Interests VPDCA VN
RC Fair Hearing
      RC Fair Hearing
Regional Center (RC) Services – Những Dịch Vụ của Trung Tâm Khu Vực
      Regional Center RC Services
SSI and Work 05132023 SSI và Việc Làm
      GMT20230513 170701 Recording.cc
      GMT20230513 170701 Recording
      GMT20230513 170701 Recording.transcript
      GMT20230513 170701 Recording
      GMT20230513 170701 Recording 1920x1040
      GMT20230513 170701 Recording as 1920x1040
      GMT20230513 170701 Recording avo 640x360
      GMT20230513 170701 Recording gallery 1920x1040
      GMT20230513 170701 Recording gvo 1280x720
      GMT20230513 170701 Recording interpret separate2
      Materials for SSI and Work Tài Liệu cho Buổi Hội Thảo SSI và Công Việc Làm
      SSI and Work (ENG) 5.13.2023
      SSI and work (VT) 5.13.2023
Medi-Cal 06102023
SSI SSDI Training-Huấn Luyện SSI SSDI
      Materials for SSI SSDI Training Tài Liệu cho Huấn Luyện SSI SSDI
      Social Security Law List 2018
      SSI and Work (ENG) 1.14.23
      SSI and Work (VT) 1.14.23
TASK LA Navigating IEPs Workshop
      TASK LA PTI FEC Navigating IEPs Workshop, handout